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First of all, I would like to say that if you have any questions or difficulties in registering, please email us at info@itacrystals.com
Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm PST
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We promise to analyze your data in less than 24 hours!
Present at the biggest gem shows around the world for over 25 years, we migrated and now offer the convenience for our wholesale customers to buy online with the same discounts rates offered at these events.
To purchase wholesale you need to be a legitimate business with an Employer Identification Number and State Sales Tax ID in order to unlock your discounted rates and purchase with no taxes.
For fields that are marked as mandatory they must be answered before the form can be submitted. While some fields that are marked as optional go by the user’s cognitive load. The more information we have, the easier it is to get approval.
No problem! Please add your VAT number (value-added tax), known in some countries as a goods and services tax (GST), is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally. It is similar to — and often compared with — sales tax.
Good News! There is no restriction of a minimum limit for your wholesale purchases.
For bulk quantities not found on the website, please send an email to: info@itacrystals.com with your inquiry.
Due to the rarity of many of the crystals, all products on the website are final sale (it will be specified at the bottom of the description on the product page).
Our crystals are unique and due to variations it can’t be substituted for an exact other one. If there is a problem with your item, please reach out to us and we’ll do our best to correct it in a timely manner. Contact us for further details: info@itacrystals.com
If you need further assistance, please write to us:
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